Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

Today marks the 6th anniversary of the infamous attacks of September 11th, 2001. In the ensuing six years, have we accomplished anything? So far, we've identified most of the attackers involved in the plot. And determined that the majority of the terrorists were actually Saudi Arabian by nationality. But we've yet to bring Osama bin Laden or Usama bin Laden to justice.

The FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List includes Usama bin Laden, for the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, but not for September 11th. Don't believe me; follow the link to confirm for yourself. Osama bin Laden is likely hidden in the Sunni-dominated Pashtun-controlled Muslim region near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. But actually finding Usama bin Laden and bringing him to justice has proven to be exceedingly difficult. An intricate network of interconnected caves, and traditional tribal loyalty and sympathy to Osama bin Laden's cause is very strong here.

Two wars later, the Gulf War II in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan, are we any closer to accomplishing our goals? And do American citizens still support these wars? Regardless of which side you support, ycopfiles.com and the Blog Frog asks its Loyal Readers to take a minute of their time to remember those who lost their lives on September 11th. Not only those who died in the Towers, but also those who selflessly gave their lives to save others. A. Ryan Robbins salutes the Police Officers, Firemen and women, and Emergency Medical Personnel who so heroically tried to help that terrible day.